True to their word, the first thing that the Maoists have done after their victory in the elections is to abolish the monarchy. Nepal is now a republic. It is hailed as "the people's victory".
People have been cheering and celebrating in the streets of Katmandu, even before the abolition was official.
The monarchy has been ruling Nepal for 240 years. The king had been treated almost like diety. Absolute monarchy was abolished in 1991, and a prime minister was elected. King Gyanendra, who took over the throne after his brother and his family were massacred in the palace in June 2001, took a hard line against the Maoist rebels. In 2002 he dismissed the country's elected government and in 2003 declared a state of emergency. In 2005 he assumed complete control by direct palace rule, which led to weeks of demonstrations, and he had to yield in 2006.
Since then he had been trying to hold on to some semblance of dignity if not authority. But his time has finally ended.
--- Street scene in Kathmandu ---

People have been cheering and celebrating in the streets of Katmandu, even before the abolition was official.
The monarchy has been ruling Nepal for 240 years. The king had been treated almost like diety. Absolute monarchy was abolished in 1991, and a prime minister was elected. King Gyanendra, who took over the throne after his brother and his family were massacred in the palace in June 2001, took a hard line against the Maoist rebels. In 2002 he dismissed the country's elected government and in 2003 declared a state of emergency. In 2005 he assumed complete control by direct palace rule, which led to weeks of demonstrations, and he had to yield in 2006.
Since then he had been trying to hold on to some semblance of dignity if not authority. But his time has finally ended.
--- Street scene in Kathmandu ---