The words "God" or "Lord" are banned from being used in public at Hospice by the Sea in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida, said the Rev. Mirta Signorelli, a former chaplain at the hospice. She resigned because she felt that God was taken away from her. She said that she and other chaplains were told to "cease and desist from using God in prayers."
The administration claimed they wanted chaplains to be motivational and not religious, and the guidelines issued were a minor administrative directive.
Seems bizarre, whether there was a misunderstanding or not, that a chaplain should have to feel so much under pressure as to resign. One has to wonder whether this is secularism gone too far.
source: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/community/news/bocaraton/sfl-flphospice0318pnmar18,0,5601993.story