Now that Barack Obama and John McCain have secured their nominations, some attention is being drawn to the prospective First Ladies, Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain.
Though the policies and personalities of Obama and McCain are obviously of first importance, their wives are also part of the equation in the ultimate race, even if it's a small part. But it may not necessarily be a small part of the equation.
Hillary Clinton lost for a number of reasons, but it may well be that one of the reasons was that she was Mrs. Clinton. I think some people just could not stomach the idea that Bill Clinton would again reside in the White House.
Despite whatever faults or defects in Bush, Laura Bush has been a superb First Lady.
In a recent internet Associated Press-Yahoo News poll released last Wednesay, 30 percent of the people polled saw Michelle Obama favourably against 35 percent who saw her unfavourably. Cindy McCain got 27 percent who liked her, against 17 percent who did not.
One interpretation of this is that Michelle Obama is two times more disliked than Cindy McCain.
Michelle Obama is liked by 8 out of 10 black people, while 1 in 8 blacks like Cindy McCain. Whites are unfavourable towards Michelle Obama by 18 percentage points, while they see Cindy McCain favourably by 17 percentage points.
Older people are less disposed towards Michelle Obama. But she does well with single people and college graduates. Cindy McCain is liked by older people, married people and the more affluent, but is less well regarded by singles.
These were some of the findings. The backgrounds of the two ladies are clearly poles apart. Their personalities seem also very different. So far Michelle Obama appears to have received a lot more media attention, and she seems to be more outspoken. Cindy McCain appears to be a more private person, or at least she wants to keep it that way.
The public perceptions of these two women will to some degree impact on the presidential candidates.

Technorati Tags: first ladies, michelle obama, cindy mccain, u.s. elections