Monday, December 24, 2007

Tariq Aziz – a Christian in limbo during Christmas

The ex-deputy Prime Minister of Iraq, Tariz Aziz, has been held by the US since 2003 when he gave himself up to US forces. He is probably the most prominent Christian to be held in connection with the Iraq invasion.

No charges have been brought against him. Cardinal Emmanuel Delly, the leader of the Chaldean Christian Church in his Christmas message has called for his release, as there is no evidence against him.

It's a sorry state of affairs that anyone should be kept in custody for years without charge by a civil or military court. He is simply left in limbo. What real justification does any state have, not to speak of Christian charity, to keep someone in confinement without bringing any charge against him?

The “war on terror” has wreaked terror on thousands upon thousands in Iraq, based on the vacuous claim of it having weapons of mass destruction. Iraqi, American, British lives have been lost for the sake of exactly what? Many rationalisations have been put forward, but none can be true justification for the continuing tragedy that has resulted.

As a gesture of human compassion, and a demonstration of Christian charity, the call by the Chaldean Christian Church should be heeded and supported.

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