Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Hillary Clinton Won the Battle But Losing the War

As many have predicted, the Puerto Rican support for Hillary Clinton was huge, and she had a major victory. She has indeed won that battle, but Barack Obama is winning the war, and they both know it.

Despite her declarations that she will not give up, even after the primaries are over, the clear signs are that it would be a futile exercise, wasting money and resources. Even her husband Bill said ominously in South Dakota that this might be the last day of his campaign involvement. I think Hillary should take the strong hint there.

A graceful acknowledgment of defeat and exit from the race is still achievable. The more she delays, the more pathetic she will look.

Obama is understated, but he is clearly confident of final victory for the Democratic nomination.

Tonight (Tuesday) night will be the end of the primaries. Hillary Clinton has had a doggedly full run. When it's time to go, it's time to go.

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